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Resources available

Resources and support available to prevent litter

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (NSW EPA) has developed a range of supporting resources to help develop and deliver projects, or simply to take small actions to play your part in preventing litter.

Running a project

Understanding your problem and building a case for action

Before embarking on a litter prevention project we need to understand the what, why, who, where and when of our litter problem. The NSW EPA has developed 2 key resources to diagnose your litter problem and develop evidence-based interventions.

Designing and delivering a litter project

Running a litter prevention project in your community is a great way to help make your neighbourhood and NSW litter-free. The EPA supports people in councils and local community groups to run projects that prevent litter. There are resources available on how best to run a Litter Prevention Project. The EPA’s litter prevention kit provides a step-by-step guide on how to design and deliver effective litter prevention projects without jumping to solutions first. It includes an overview of the 7 factors for litter prevention.

Designing and delivering a cigarette butt litter project

We’ve developed specialist guidelines based on several years of research into how to encourage proper cigarette butt disposal.

Designing and Delivering a Cigarette Butt Litter Project

Cigarette Butt campaign materials 

You can access specially developed materials for smoking areas that encourage smokers to bin their butts. These are available at the Litter Library.

Case Studies

Case studies from previous grant funded projects under the NSW Litter Prevention Program are available on the EPA website to generate ideas.


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Local Litter Check

The Local Litter Check helps you gather evidence about litter behaviour in your local area at sites such as parks, beaches and bus stops.

Butt Litter Check

The Butt Litter Check helps you understand why smokers may be littering cigarette butts and how to develop targeted ways to stop this behaviour.

Litter library

Use our Don’t be a Tosser anti-litter campaign material for your local projects. Visit our Litter Library to download campaign material including posters, social media tiles, videos and audio.

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